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I press on...

Philippians 3:14

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

What is our goal in life? Is it to get rich? Get married? Maybe your goal is owning a house one day?

What happens when it looks like we won't reach that goal? Do we get angry? Maybe we even blame others for our non reached goals.

Why do we even make a goal for ourselves?

The Webster's Dictionary tells us... A Goal is...

*the terminal point of a race

*the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

*synonyms: Aim, Target, Plan, Purpose, Intention

So it seems without a Goal it would be hard to achieve anything. So we should absolutely have Goals in life. But what should our goals be?

Looking at the verse its clear as christians one of our goals should be to follow God and his plans for us. His plan for us is to basically follow his word and keep his commandments. In order to follow his word you need to know what his word says. I would recommend getting a yearly reading bible and just read it every day. God will find you where you are and he will speak to you through the scripture. As crazy as it sounds even in the weirdest part of the bible he will speak to you.

Notice it says "I Press toward the goal" it doesn't say I walk towards the goal or float easy to the goal it says press. Press means to move or cause to move into a position of contact with something by exerting continuous physical force. Continuous physical force!!! Some synonyms include to thrust, force... squeeze! Another words its not easy to reach the goal!? Bingo. Its not easy. Yes we will have obstacles, bumps in the road and even distractions.

The benefit of setting a goal is for a plan to succeed. Without a goal, how can we continually strive? Our goal is our direction, our purpose, our life.

In my recent life. My ultimate goal was put on the back burner because of my business. I lost site of my purpose in life. I was distracted about what I was doing only to block out what God wanted for me. I can't say i will never get distracted again, but i can say right now... I will press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus.

Thanks for Reading,

Cherise Bonanno

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